Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's not all about the "stuff" anymore

My birthday was yesterday and, no, I am NOT telling how old I am! Reflecting back on birthdays past, I can remember when I was young and my birthday was all about the "stuff". I would spend a month prior to my birthday thinking of all the great gifts I would like and counting the days off on the calendar until the grand day arrived and I got to dig into all those presents.

Karen sent me a birthday photo of Jazzy (Decker's daughter - right)
and her housemate Roxie - too cute!

In addition to noticing the sprinkling of lighter blonde highlights in my hair (I refuse to acknowledge that they might be GRAY highlights!) I also realized yesterday that, at some point, my birthday has come to be more about celebrating all the good things that are already in my life instead of wishing for more. I spent the day celebrating lots of birthday wishes from friends, the beautiful sunny day, the flowers my hubby surprised me with, the extra TLC and great training sessions I had with my dogs and the knowledge that I am blessed to have the most important things in my life on an everyday basis.