Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weekend in Florence

Delta blasting with Uncle Cooper.
 Delta and I went to Florence for the weekend with my friend Julie and her dogs Cooper (Delta's Uncle) and Tsuzi.  

We stopped by a lake on the way south to see if it might work as a water trial site.  The dogs had fun blasting around while we took photos and walked the shore of the lake.

We arrived at our friend Ginny's house in the early afternoon.  Delta's Uncle Reef lives with Ginny.  After a quick break, we drove to the "Old Town" area of Florence where we walked around on the docks a little and did some window shopping.  We got lucky with a bit of sunny weather and it was good socialization for the puppy.

Now that's a BIG anchor!
We headed back to the house and spent a couple of hours Saturday night and Sunday morning inventorying and re-boxing the PWDCA Club archives before reluctantly leaving Ginny and Dick's hospitality for the drive home.
Cooper thinks this buoy ball is a bit large for PWDCA water trial work.

Is this what they mean by "dock dogs"?