Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Will to Prepare

I am formulating a plan to start trying to be more active training the girls again.  Maybe, depending on how things go, I will even want to be more active in competing again.

Once upon a time competing in multiple venues and earning titles was a focal point for me, but somehow along the way it lost its appeal.  Maybe things became too goal oriented and less fun...  I'm really not sure why things changed.

Currently the girls and I dabble in agility, sometimes only actually training the one night a week we have class.  Water work gets only slightly more effort at the moment.  Since I am a fairly experienced trainer and use positive methods and the girls are pretty eager to work and get things "right", we  can do reasonably well in both these venues with minimal time invested on my part.

The girls don't need to compete or earn titles, but they do enjoy training and putting their sharp minds to use.  They've been happy enough with their current routine of regular exercise, healthy meals and lots of love, but I think they will be even happier with a little more mental entertainment in the form of training too.  

So...time to stop writing and head out the door to train and see where the journey takes us.

Monday, July 4, 2016