Sunday, November 18, 2007


Since Stoker's pregnancy was confirmed last Monday, Jan and I have been talking about what needs to be accomplished around the house in order to make the back room ready for puppies and the rest of the house ready for all the human guests that puppies bring.

Today, we began clearing out the back bedroom. This room seems to end up doubling as a storage room for us. We ended the day by loading the van with some items from the garage, back room and yard that needed disposal at the dump, and the "elephant" as we lovingly call our Honda Element, with items for Goodwill.

After we finished our dump run (Stoker went with us and mooched biscuits from the transfer station attendants), I spent some time at the computer ordering some puppy related items (new mats for the whelping box, a scale and a microwaveable heating disk).

The photos in the slideshow are of Kilo and Stoker. The last photo is of Stoker's ultrasound. Can you see the two pups on the ultrasound? The others were camera shy...

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