Stoker's agility instructor and I lovingly refer to her as "Blondie" sometimes. She has such a high energy level and when she isn't focused and on task she really acts like a bit of a dingbat, albeit a beautiful and loveable dingbat! Several things have made me proud of Stoker in the last week:
First, I got to see both Subi and Cooper this week and I am really pleased with how the pups are doing. I know it has a lot to do with the wonderful homes they all live in, but I know Stoker made a major contribution too. They really are lovely pups, but then, perhaps I am a bit biased....
Stoker's next special moment this week was when she prevented my wedding ring from going missing. I wear my engagement and wedding rings on a gold chain around my neck. I was sitting behind the desk at work on Wednesday and Stoker was keeping me company. I bent over the desk and heard a tiny metalllic sound. Stoker immediately investigated to see what had hit the concrete floor, wedging her nose between the cable keeper and the desk surround. When I bent to see what she was looking at, there was my wedding ring on the floor. Good girl Stokie! Thanks to Stoker, I also recovered my gold chain before it fell off and was lost somewhere and will be able to take it in to the jeweler for repair.
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