Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Ecko, Mako, Cooper, Subi, Chloe and Reef (in birth order so as not to show bias!)
Happy Birthday to you!

The Deadliest Catch litter turned two on 12/13/09. It is hard to believe they are two years old already. Hugs to the pups and a big “thank you” to their people for loving them and making them part of your family.

Subi is visiting with us for a few days and we got some photos of her and Ecko on Saturday. The two sisters are enjoying playing together and we keep doing double-takes because Subi looks so much like her Granny Chili (especially that face!).

Photos are of Ecko reclining on the back of the couch (Subi is better behaved and does not go on the furniture), Subi lying in the back yard, and Subi playing keep-away with a stick as Ecko follows behind.

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