Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dexter Update

Dexter is one of Decker and Shasta's pups (a littermate to Jazzy whose pics I posted recently). His owners (Kristin, Dave and family) were in touch with Cindy recently with an update and a photo, which she thoughtfully passed on to me:

"We are so happy with Dexter. He is a wonderful puppy and gets along so well with everyone he meets, dogs and people. He has such a calm, easy-going personality.

He graduated from his puppy school and we're thinking of doing some agility classes with him in January. Here is a picture of him after his first grooming done by Jonathan and Mike.
Thanks again for trusting us with Dexter and giving us a wonderful addition to our family."

What a super report! So far these pups are getting an "A" in the personality department and I think they are looking quite nice too.

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