Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thankful and hopeful

Ecko's "new champion" photo came in the mail yesterday. I think the photo is the best win pic we have of her so far, but I still love the candid shots I get of her posing herself in the back yard and on walks the best.

A dog's successes can be attributed in a large part to the dogs that came before them. It seems fitting, in a way, that the last dog we bred that finished a Championship was Ecko's sire Kilo back in 1998. Ecko owes a debt to her Mama Stoker and Granny Chili too. Even though those two did not like to show and are not Champions themselves, they passed on many good qualities to their progeny. Many other dogs in her pedigree also contributed to make her who she is. On this day, I am thankful for the dogs of the past and hopeful for the dogs of the future...

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