Friday, April 13, 2012

3 Week Birthday

The pups are beginning the Awareness or Identification Period (21-28 days)
Information from "Behavioral Development of Puppies" an article by Kathryn Lanam:

"By this age sight and hearing is functioning well. A variety of noises (music, radio, bells, vacuums, etc) and sights (change in light level, moving objects and vibrations) should be part of their daily life. This might be the time to move the puppies into the kitchen or other busy part of the house. The puppy must now learn that he is a dog; recognizing its mother, recognizing other species (humans). The puppies will begin "play-fighting" during this week with a loose pecking order starting to form. Barking increases. Puppies still need a very stable environment during this time. Their humans should do a lot of handling, cuddling and pick up the puppies regularly."

The pups are starting to get more vocal. They make little growling and yodeling sounds and little barks.

They are starting to play just a little.

We have a CD with a variety of noises on it (fireworks, kids screaming, traffic noises, machines and tools etc) and will begin playing that to get the pups used to all kinds of sounds.

Here is a short video clip of the pups playing.  Juno (purple) pairs off with Loki, and Atlas (blue) with Redstone (orange).  Atlas gets Delta (yellow) in the game briefly too.


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Suzanne said...

Thanks Jacob. Glad you are enjoying it. :-)