Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Pics and Favorite Pups

Balancing Act
We added pics to the two most recent albums today.  Links to the albums are on the sidebar to the right.

You'll see the pups balancing on and walking along a plank in several of the photos (including the one to the right).  This was something Scott and Jan made to stand on when they were working on the siding for the house, but I thought the pups would like to climb around on it.  They did.  They enjoy and explore almost any new object you put in with them.  I bought them several new toys the other day and they already "killed" the squeaker in the little squeaky pig toy.

Do we have "favorite" pups?  You might think so based on the photos.    We don't consciously focus on any puppy in particular but just look for cute photo opportunities.  Maybe these are the pups that are most active during the time the camera is in our hands?  Maybe they are going through behavioral phases at a slightly different rate with ebbs and surges in how busy and active they are?

Ecko Playing with and Schooling the pups

Outdoor Dining

What 6.5 week old puppies can do to a chicken wing.

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