Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The final week for the Tomatos

Bandit/Hank and Granny Stoker
 Saturday will mark the departure of the last tomato in the garden of puppies, with Jasper heading off with his family who have been away on vacation.  Hank has come back to visit for a few days while Stevie is on vacation, so you will see both pups in the photos I took in the yard today while I was home for lunch.

Ironically both Jasper and Hank have been named "Bandit" by their new families, which makes it easy when calling them both in from the yard, but tough when trying to distinguish between the two.

Bandit/Jasper is going to keep his new family busy, we think.  Being a true water dog, he thinks the water in his water bowl is as much to play with as it is to drink and delights in making a lake on our kitchen floor.  Last night, I ate my dinner on the patio and went back in the house, leaving my plate on the patio table.  I heard my plate rattle and looked out to see that Jasper had climbed onto the seat of the Adirondack chair, then from there to the arm of the chair and up onto the table.  He was standing entirely on the table when I spotted him!  I quickly swooped him off the table so he would not fall or jump and hurt himself and then moved the chair away from the table to prevent the little brat from accessing the table again.

Mama Ecko patrolling the yard.

Ecko guarding the yard.

Ecko and Bandit/Hank check out some good smells.

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