Friday, December 3, 2021

Teeth! (And other milestones)

Puppies begin teething at around 3 weeks.  The pups will often mouth at and suck on your fingers when you interact with them and Breena and Jenny seem to have the most obvious tiny chompers so far.

Pups started lapping from a pan of formula on Tuesday this week and are getting more accomplished at this skill every day.  Usually when Kodi feeds them, we also offer a pan of formula either before (to take the edge off their hunger) or after (to top them off) Kodi nurses them.  Kodi is a small girl and we noticed last year that she transitioned to nursing her pups from a standing position sooner than our past girls have done.  She seems to know when they are strong enough and can reach her well enough, as all the pups are thriving with this new milk delivery method.

It is important for the pups to be exposed to many new experiences before they go to their homes.  We handle pups individually quite a lot so they enjoy being handled and stroked.  Within the next week we will move them into a room adjacent to our kitchen so they can hear more of the household noises (coffee grinder, blender, banging of pots and pans).  Without us really trying, they have already been on a number of different surfaces (plastic tarping, textured rubber mats, rubber stall mats, several types and depths of fleece, wood, carpet runner etc).  

The pups still start having more toys in their area in the next few days.  They’ve had a crinkly alligator and elephant toy in with them already, as well as a pink stuffed creature of some kind.  It was fun to watch them explore and interact with these new things.

Are you our Mommy?

Jethro gets some snuggles

Kasie has the bed to herself.

Jenny investigates the crinkly toy.

Ziva guarding the pink stuffy.

Probie gets some quality snuggle time.

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