Monday, March 17, 2008

Checking In

Reef and Ecko take a break from playing. Dick and Ginny have been driving all the way up from Florence every weekend to bring Reef to puppy class.

Jan left for his golf tee-time EARLY on Saturday and I wanted to sleep in. He put his pillow over my eyes so I could pretend to sleep while he got dressed to leave. The girls apparently wanted to sleep in too....

Yes, that is Ecko sleeping on my head! Spoiled puppy...

Decker was entered in a dog show Friday through Sunday in Albany with my friend CJ. He ran agility on Friday and qualified with a first place in his Novice Standard run. On Saturday, he did obedience and did a creditable job in Open, but missed his two retrieves so he did not qualify. On Sunday, he did an awesome job in agility and qualified with a first place in Novice Standard and also qualified in Novice Jumpers. He now has his Novice Agility (NA) title and needs only one more leg for his Novice Jumpers (NAJ) title.

On Sunday Chili was entered in agility too. She is in the Open agility class. Due to my less than stellar handling, we had a bit of a choppy run in Open Standard, but would have qualified except for mistakes on the weave poles. In Jumpers, we had an awesome run with nice smooth teamwork, but still struggled with the weaves poles and failed to qualify. Time to get training on those poles!

Stoker and her cousin Rebel were entered in conformation. Rebel got Reserve Winners Dog and Stoker did not show well and lost to the competition in her class. I'm not ready to give up hope that she will finish her championship some day, but it is going to take lots of work and retraining to make it happen.

It was bittersweet to run into my friend M'lou who owns the house Jan and I used to rent on the coast in Yachats. They sold their house this winter, although a family member's house next door is still available for us to rent. Remembering our good times in the house brought back memories of our visit this past summer when Kilo was still alive and enjoyed laying in the sun on the deck and strolling on the beach. We sure miss him and are grateful that we have his kids and grand-kids around us to remember him by.

With the pups out in the world and doing well, I'll still be posting updates on their progress, but probably not as frequently. This blog may turn into more of a training diary for the resident "four-pack" interspersed with puppy updates if and when I recieve them.

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