Friday, March 7, 2008

Warm and Fuzzy

Subi is getting so much bigger.
Her coloring is getting darker and darker too...
She looks pretty pleased with herself in this photo
where she is watching as Nichole and Joe work.

I am sitting here typing this and I have that rotten winter cold that is making the rounds. I'm generally pretty healthy, but had the flu a couple of weeks ago and now this... Ugh!

A couple of things happened this week that are keeping my spirits up despite my clogged head and sore nose.

First my PWDCA Courier magazine arrived in the mail. I love getting my Courier and if you haven't already applied for membership in the PWDCA, you should do so just in order to get the magazine. It is truly an amazing and beautiful publication with gorgeous photos and interesting and insightful content. This edition is always one of my favorites because it features water work. Chili's breeder Sandy Overton (who also co-owns Decker) has an amazing two page ad in this edition and Chili and Decker are among the dogs she honored in the ad. I also did an ad this year for Decker, since he earned his Courier Water Dog Excellent title this year.

Secondly, I got several more updates from the "deadliest catch" crew, as well as a contact from someone who met one of the pups, fell in love and wants to know where to get a PWD pup of their very own. Good news all around.

Chloe was the pup whose extreme cuteness made someone want a pup just like her. Ecko has nothing to report except that it is no fun having a human that is grumpy and sick with a cold. Here are updates from Subi and Mako:


We are seeing an amazing growth in Mako, not just physical but also mentally and emotionally. He is very smart and a lot of fun. He knows sit, come, down, and my personal favorite - out of the kitchen. He is now bigger than the cat but the cat still weighs more and is still boss and probably will always be boss. Mako so much wants to be friends with Alex. For the most part Alex is ok with the friendship but sometimes has to put Mako in his place. They are cute to watch, Alex will let Mako lick his face and sometimes Alex will rub his head against Mako’s head. Alex even let Mako climb on him once that I saw. When Alex has had enough he bats at Mako’s head and Mako gets the message. I don’t think Alex is using his claws as Mako never cries when he gets batted.

The beach didn’t seem to be a big thing for Mako, or I should say the ocean. He loved running on the sand but he really didn’t register that there was a big body of water there. He played a lot in the streams that come down to the ocean. We are heading over to the coast later today and we think he might notice the ocean this time. We have taken him to two rivers, the Siuslaw and the Yachats river. Both rivers we found calm spots for him to wade and play. He goes right into the water but when it touches his belly he turns around. I know he will be swimming sooner or later. We are not pushing him, he will do it when he is ready.

Regarding what you said about the water dish. Yes, he just loves to spill his water dish. He steps on the edge so it tips over and then he brings the dish to me. Like an idiot I fill it up and 5 minutes later he dumps it again. I noticed that you have a water dish that refills itself so I decided that is what we need. I bought one that is low profile and he cannot tip that one over. But he sure did try. He straddled the water bottle and tried to get it to tip over but no luck. He still plays with the water by putting his feet into the drinking part of the dish.

He walks real nice on a leash. We have a routine of a morning walk right after we get out of bed and an evening walk. If he has to be home all day along then I go home at lunch and walk him and play some before he has to back into his crate. He sleeps the night through beside our bed, does not wander at night and does not have any night time accidents. Regarding the 5 minute walk rule per month of age, I am assuming that is per walk, not per day. I asked my vet about that and she also thinks it must be per walk. We tend to walk 10 minutes or so per walk.

Suzanne and Jan, we love this little guy so much. The PWD is a totally different type of dog from the Briard. At first Mako seemed rather unruly, did not like to be brushed, very mouthy etc. But now that he is a little bigger and older he is much more settled and willing to have things done to him. He entertains himself very nicely with his toys, doesn’t always need us to be playing with him. He still likes to bite at our sleeves but does stop when we say no, he knows he isn’t supposed to be chewing on us but sometimes I think he just can’t help himself.

I’ll give you another update about the beach after this weekend.


On Friday last week Subi had her first vet appointment with Nichole and I. It was found that she does indeed have the “bug” (coccidia) in her stool sample and we have medicine to cure that. We also got some ointment for her ears because they were really dirty and found to be yeasty--we were given some better cleaning solution also.

On Sunday Subi got to meet our friends dog Drake. They had a good time and got to play for about 2 hrs. Drake is a big Lab but seemed to fear the teeth of Subi—they soon became friends.

Then on Tuesday this week Subi went to her first puppy class. Where she has been nicknamed the 'Pistol' for her eagerness to play hard. She seemed to get all the other dogs riled up--even those that were a little shy. She was also quick to run out of the way of those that were chasing her (she seem to use the hit and run method) She also saw her two other siblings that were in the class prior to her—she was particularly growly at Chloe.

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