Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Horse (or in this case a PWD) of a Different Color

We have a visitor dog staying with us for a bit and she is a "dog of a different color", a brown PWD. In PWDs they aren't referred to as liver or chocolate but just plain brown.

Brown PWDs tend to have a reputation in the PWD community for being just a bit "different" than their black relatives, but since I've never owned one, I can't answer to that. I can say that Booty is being a good visitor and is getting along well with all the other dogs. Booty has a reputation for being a bit of an escape artist, so we make sure the place is well fortified when we leave her home.

Here are some photos of Booty looking sweet and innocent, playing with Ecko and eating a stick (yes we ARE feeding her real food and maybe this is what they mean by brown dogs being different?).

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