Monday, July 28, 2008

Water Fun

Photos from top to bottom:
Ginny and Reef soaking in the sun.

Dick earned the nickname "cart man" from Jan in helping ferry hospitality items and gear from the parking area to the site.

Cooper, Ecko and Reef at the end of the weekend.

Cooper, Ecko, Stoker and Reef. The kids are as big, if not bigger, than their mom now!

This weekend we headed up I5 to Auburn for a water workshop and trial at Nolte State Park. We attended the water workshop on Saturday and I worked Janet's dog Booty who has been staying with us for several weeks. Janet is sidelined with a broken ankle, but is getting around well enough now that she took Booty home with her at the end of the day. Booty was very happy to be reunited with Janet, but still managed to go a great job working with me while Janet looked on.

On Sunday, there was a one-day water trial and Stoker's baby Cooper passed at the Junior level to earn his JWD (Junior Water Dog) certificate. We are SO proud of Cooper and Julie. Julie credits her husband Roger for getting Cooper swimming and retrieving so confidently and hopes to tackle Apprentice with Cooper next summer. Click HERE for a Photoshow of Cooper and Julie's performance.

We entered Chili in Versatility on Sunday just for fun. Versatility isn't a titling level, but provides a place to "show off" for PWDs that have already earned their CWDX (Courier Water Dog Excellent) title. With little training this summer, Chili came through for us with an enthusiastic pass in Versatility and brought home a lovely rosette and embroidered towel.

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