Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Dog Burglar...

Jessie and Julie met at my house (sort of a half-way point for both of them from their houses) to groom Julie's dog today. Jan and I were gone at work, and the pack 'o four was extremely happy to have people arrive to entertain them. While there, in addition to grooming Cooper, Jess practiced weave poles with all four dogs and dremeled all the dog's nails. I wish Jess would stop by my house more often while I am at work. What a concept.... Sort of a caped crusader for dog owners and their bored pups.

I got Chili's RA title in the mail today. 2009 has started off with a bang with two titles earned already so far (Chili's RA and Decker's OAJ). It got me thinking, just how many titles could a somewhat motivated dog owner with four eager dogs and a bit of an undersized budget earn in a year? I'll keep you posted as the year progresses...

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