Tuesday, February 24, 2009

what's in a name?

Ecko's name started as an anagram of her Mom and Dad's names (Stoker and Kilo). You can make some pretty neat combinations with those two names, but the one we stuck on was "Eko". I was concerned it wouldn't get pronounced correctly, but wanted something a little different from "Echo" so we decided on "Ecko". Little did I know when we named her that there is a clothing line named Ecko Unlimited. They have some cool logos featured on some of their tee-shirts and other items and I stopped by our local outlet center last spring to buy some "Ecko" tee-shirts for Jan and I. The logo below is an example of one of the many on their website.

It got me thinking about making a logo for our very own little parti-girl and here is what I came up with.

I had fun with the project, but I wonder: do you suppose the other dogs will be jealous because they don't have their own logos?

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