Sunday, April 19, 2009

CPE Agility Weekend

Stoker and I and Rebel and Jessie were entered in a CPE agility trial this weekend. Pam and Val were there with Mira, Sydney (Chili's sister), JoJo (Stoker's sister) and Dudley, so that made the weekend even more fun.

Stoker had a great weekend, qualifying in 3 of the 4 Level 2 standard runs we did and earning two 3rd placements and a 2nd place. On her final run, we did not Q, but she had her fastest run of the weekend. Pretty cool that she ran the fastest at the end of the weekend in the heat. It tells me that she is really starting to enjoy herself. Her weaves were a little more solid this weekend then they have been, so we are making progress there too.

Jess and Rebel had a great weekend also, qualifying in 3 of their four Level 1 runs. I think Rebbie got 3rd, 2nd and 1st place wins for his three runs.

Thanks to Joe Camp for the photos.

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