Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lawn Art and PWD statues

Yesterday was my day to run errands and one of the places I stopped was Home Depot to buy PVC to make some agility jumps. I purchased jump cups from Clean Run a while ago, but the kitchen remodel had taken over the entire garage so the jumps had not been built yet. Jan and Jessie pitched in to help and, with a nifty plan for building jumps and about 45 minutes time, we had four sturdy agility jumps. Jessie is working on Decker's rear crosses (not too successfully since Jess is going right and Decker is going left) in this photo while I am in the garage putting the last of the stripes on the jump bars.

I'm sure my neighbors are thrilled that the "lawn art" in my front yard now consists of four jumps in addition to 24 weave poles!

The photo below is Rebel and Jessie's "new champion" photo from last weekend.

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