Monday, November 16, 2009

Agility Weekend

The photo with this post really should be of Decker and Jan, but this photo of Chili is the only one we were able to get instant gratification on this weekend.

Decker and Jan got their first Q together with a 2nd place finish in their Excellent Jumpers run on Sunday. Jan has been running Decker for such a short time and this is only their second day trialling together, so I am very proud of them. Their jumpers run was really pretty and smooth. Woohoo!

It was a jumpers weekend for our PWDs, apparently, as Stoker Qd in Novice Jumpers with a 3rd place for her 2nd Novice Jumpers leg and Chili Qd in Excellent Jumpers with a 1st place for her 2nd Excellent Jumpers leg. No Qs in standard all weekend...

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