Monday, November 2, 2009

What a weekend for the PWDs!

On Saturday, Chili's daughter JoJo (Lookout's Wind and Rain and Fire) earned her WWD title in Arizona with her owner Val Tangen. Val has done a great job with this spirited girly earning a CD title and assorted agility titles with her as well.

Also on Saturday, Dixie Matson earned a MACH with her girl Jude (CH Bayswater Jubilee Jude CDX MX MXJ CWDX). I got to watcyh Dixie and Jude run several times last spring and they are a smooth and pretty team to watch.

On Sunday, Stoker's cousin Sailor earned her AWD title with her co-owner/breeder Mandy Ford. Sailor really deserved the title as she did an awesome job in training with her owner Martha all summer.

Also on Sunday, Jan and I went to an agility trial in Albany with Decker and Chili. Jan ran Decker for the first time in competition in the Excellent class after having trained with him in classes for only a month. They didn't manage to Q, but had two really nice runs. I don't think Jan really has any idea how quickly he is coming along as a handler. Chili earned her final Q in standard with a first place to earn her AX title (three straight Qs in this class for her!) and earned her first Excellent Jumpers Q too.

The somewhat blurry photos are clipped from a video of Jan's jumpers run with Decker. You can see a video of their run here.

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