Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The clock is ticking....

The countdown is getting close on Decker's puppies being born. We only do the puppy thing every couple of years so when there is a litter due, even long-distance (Shasta is with her family in Washington), it is very exciting.

Perhaps Shasta will follow Rick's plan and have her pups on Cindy's birthday on Friday? Cindy reports that Shasta is very big now and all she wants to do is sleep and eat. She got her pre-whelping haircut last night. Hopefully all will go well for this sweet girl and there will be a lovely, lively litter of pups to show for it.

Until then, we will continue to wait expectantly for good news...

I took some time tonight to dig out some baby photos of Decker and his siblings and reminisce a bit.

Decker's brother "Marlin"

Decker, keeping cool...

Come on people, I'm trying to nap here....

Decker was one of the "Ocean's Eleven". Yes, there were really 11 of them, so this is just over half! Their litter names were sea critters, Otter, Squid, Marlin, Moray (that was Decker).... I can't remember all the others.

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