Saturday, June 19, 2010

Puppy Update - Week 2

Decker and Shasta's puppies continue to thrive. Cindy is quite pleased with their progress and says they are a strong and active bunch.

Here is where they are at developmentally (they turned 2 weeks today):

During Week Two (Days 8-14):
  • Eyes should open around days 8-10 (eyes are open on all the pups)
  • Ears should open around days 13-17
Week Three (Days 15-21)
  • Teeth begin to erupt
  • Puppies stand up and start walking (Cindy says they have already started to do this!)
  • Begin to lap liquids
  • Defecate/urinate without stimulation
  • Start becoming aware of environment
  • Start playing with littermates
  • Develop sense of smell
  • Puppies will start to discriminate as to where to relieve themselves
Cindy hopes to have some video clips of the little ones soon.

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