Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Catching Up

I don't know if that is actually possible, as things seem to be moving at whirlwind speed lately.

Last week saw a quick trip to watch the Decker x Shasta litters temperament test, followed by a flurry of communication between Cindy and I to discuss puppy placements; the arrival of a new girlfriend for Decker; a private lesson with some nice folks with a 14-week old Lab puppy; and a three-day trip out of town to judge a water trial (leaving Jan behind with all the hormonal dogs!).

Most of the chaos revolves around fun and exciting things, so I remind myself to just hang on and enjoy the ride.

Recently I blogged an excerpt from an article by Kathryn Lanam regarding behavioral development in dogs. This article is one that is included in Pat Hastings book "Another Piece of the Puzzle: Puppy Development". I really enjoy this article and reread it every time we have a litter of puppies. I have not compared them side by side, but I believe the link below is the same article as can be found in the book:


Photos are of Decker and Sydney (his new girlfriend).

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