Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Piranha Puppy Port

Decker's 10-week old son Port has been staying with us for the last 10 days and I am exhausted! It's so easy to forget how much work puppies are when you haven't lived with one for a while! I am a firm believer in puppy "management" when the situation does not allow for supervision, but the bottom line with puppies is you have to do a whole lot of following them around and teaching them what the rules are. If all you ever do is tether or crate your pup, he won't learn the rules very quickly, if at all. In addition, the little guy needs to get up in the middle of the night for a potty break still. I am SO missing having an uninterrupted nights sleep...

Port has been sleeping nicely in his kennel at night. During the day, he is in a spacious kennel run in the garage. I run home from work on my lunch hour to let him out for a romp in the yard, then it is back into the kennel run with his lunch. He gets free range of the house and yard in the evening when we are home and gets escorted to the yard frequently to remind him that he is to potty there and not in the house.

  • He has been to the river twice and swam like a little fish on his second visit.
  • He went for a walk to the end of the block and back and made friends with a scary fire hydrant.
  • He likes to tug with the braided fleece toy and gets quite fierce about it.
  • He likes to retrieve for a few tosses, then loses interest (no attention span yet).
  • He eats like a little piglet. He has been getting mostly kibble with a ground raw prepared food, but this AM he had his first raw chicken wing, which he took to with gusto.
  • He has teeth like a piranha and the adult dogs and humans in the house are doing their darnedest to teach him how to use them appropriately.

Altogether a fun little dude and I think his new owner Alex will have a blast with him when he heads north to live with her in another week. Some day when Decker is retired from agility, I think we will have to find one just like this for Jan to run

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