Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Diamond Dogs

"No pressure, no diamonds." ~ Thomas Carlyle

Delta and I had a fabulous agility class tonight.  She has all the ingredients to make a fantastic agility dog.  She is:

  • smart
  • athletic
  • soundly structured
  • loves the game
  • is a talented jumper
We do have some hurdles to overcome, however, one of which is that she has not handled being pressured well at all.  Delta can go from wild puppy child to "can't do it, no way, no how" faster than you can say "Jiminy Cricket".

We had a super class tonight because we are slowly, but surely finding the balance on pushing Delta ever so gently out of her comfort zone of safe and easy things into some trickier challenges with shutting her down.  

So pleased with my Diamond Dog Delta and the progress we are making.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you have a great plan and are on your way! Love the photo of her!