Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memorial Day Photos and Doggy Dentist

Doggy Dentist: First, the less exciting news: Ecko had to go to the vet yesterday to have a retained puppy tooth extracted. Her adult canines are coming in just fine, and all puppy canines but one had fallen out on their own. Despite our best efforts giving her bones to chew on and even trying to wiggle that stubborn tooth, it wasn't even budging. When I picked Ecko up in the PM, it became apparent that we had made the right decision in having the tooth removed. The root on the tooth was very healthy and long, with no signs of letting loose any time soon. Ecko seems none the worse for wear and will likely be quite happy that we are no longer obsessed with her teeth!

Memorial Day Photos: Jan and I (with Chili, Stoker and Ecko) enjoyed a relaxing Memorial Day weekend in Florence with Dick and Ginny (Reef owners). Jan got some super shots of the PWDs playing on the beach, along with some photos of the surrounding area and Old Town Florence. A slideshow of the photos should appear below.

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