Monday, May 5, 2008

The Springer

No, not a Springer Spaniel, a Springer bike attachment for exercising the PWDs... I had a chance to try this device out years ago with a friends big male Bouvier, Marc. It was pretty amazing how little you could feel when Marc tried to pull to duck into a driveway or visit with a person on the sidewalk. I've been wanting to get the dogs more exercise, but with three adults and a puppy needing exercise and training, I needed a more efficient way to get the job done.

I took Chili and Stoker out with the bike last week once and tonight, after the temperature cooled down, I took each of the big dogs out one at a home to let them stretch their legs. Chili (the endurance queen) went for 20 minutes and Decker and Stoker each did 15 minutes. When I got finished with that, Ecko and I took a walk around the block to give her a little exercise and entertain ment too.

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