Sunday, June 30, 2013

Now we are six (weeks)...

A hot and busy weekend!

Jan power washed the entire patio, so the pups now have the run of the whole thing.  We added a wading pool and raised board for them to investigate.

On Saturday Mike, Cheryl, Zakary and Sage Dallner came to vist.  The Dallner's own a pup from our litter last spring and wanted to come visit this year's crew.  Linda Ericson came to visit.  Linda owns three PWDs of her own.  Val Tangen drove 3-1/2 hours to visit with her two grand-daughters.   Venita (my awesone agility instructor!) came to visit with her grand-daughter Riley.  Karen came to visit.  Lots of awesome socialization for the pups with both adult and youth visitors.  I was bad and did not take photos of visitors, as I was too busy socializing.

On Sunday Jessie came to visit with the pups and trimmed all their toenails and also helped get photos of them.  Jessie owns Stoker's cousin Rebel and has helped with all our litters over the years.    

Photos from Thursday (6/27):
Granny Stoker cleans Pixie
Gordo retrieves

Hank learns about respect

Pixie plays

Jasper & Ranger checkin' out their reflections
 Photos from Sunday (6/30):

Ranger was terribly stressed by his nail trim.

Capri attacks toes.  Payback for puppy nail trims?

Ranger, Capri and Jasper scope out the wading pool.

Delta on the tippy board with her chew bone, surrounded by puppies.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Week-day Pupdate

The pups had some weekday visitors this week.  On Monday afternoon, Debbie Tubbs came for a visit, followed by Mary Ruth and her son Jonas.

Once they switch out of watch dog mode, the "big dogs" are enjoying the visits as much as the puppies.  Chili never fails to bring a toy to solicit people to throw it for her and Delta climbed right into Mary Ruth's lap several times for some extra lovin'!

Last night was pretty warm and dry, so the pups stayed out on the patio for a few hours and even ate their dinner there. 

Checking out the tippy board - (l to r) Cabot, Fargo, Capri, Gordo and Hank
Capri was the first through the tunnel (everyone else was sleepy!)
Good place for a quick nap.

The big dogs mugging Debbie for attention.

Here is a link to some more of the pics Jan took  on the patio last night.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekend update

Fargo napping in the leg of Antony's shorts!
The pups turned 5 weeks old today.

They had lots of visitors on Saturday.  Carolyn came by on her way to the coast, Karen returned for her second visit, and the Maxin family drove down and visited for a few hours on Saturday afternoon and then again briefly on Sunday.  The weather cooperated on Saturday and we spent several hours playing with puppies, chatting and enjoying the sunshine on the patio.

The pups really enjoy exploring anything new that comes into their environment right now and we've been trying to add new things frequently.  Although this week is supposed to be a bit cool and rainy, next weekend is supposed to be nice and we need to get some of the puppies patio toys out for them to climb around on.

Gordo with Michael
I sat in the pen with them for a while this PM and found I needed to keep my feet tucked away already, as those pups with teeth are starting to bite on unprotected toes.

I've been updating the blog to the sounds of fireworks, screaming children and the baaing of sheep in the background.  Life is never dull or predictable when there are puppies in the house!

Capri and Karen

Cabot and Nina

Cabot takes down Ranger


Friday, June 21, 2013

What's for dinner?

"Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are." -Brillat-Savarin
Gordo and Fargo

We feed our adult dogs a raw diet consisting of meaty bones (mainly chicken wings, necks, backs) and a ground meat and veggie mixture which we prepare ourselves.  We add in various "extras" now and then and give them a good "all-round" supplement on their evening meal.  We usually keep a bag of grain-free kibble on hand too, for times that we forget to thaw their meat, and to use as treats.
We are starting to wean the pups on many of the same foods our adult dogs get.

In the last few days they have had several meals each day consisting of about 2-3 cups of puppy formula with some Evanger's Grain-free Chicken with Sweet Potato and Pumpkin dog food soaked and blended with it.  They slurp this concoction down eagerly.

They will also begin getting some fresh raw ground meat for the first time, with some sweet potato and pumpkin mixed in.  We will offer them some raw meaty bones (chicken wings) in the upcoming days and weeks too.  Obviously they can't eat them yet (their teeth are just starting to come in), but will get good exercise and chewing practice working on them.

When it comes time for them to head off to their new homes, we will send the pups with a small supply of the foods they are currently eating and there will be a discussion in their puppy books about making good food choices for them.

Did I mention that some of them are getting teeth?  Capri, Cabot and several of the other parti-colored boys have a pretty good mouthful of sharp little teeth already while Gordo, Fargo and Pixie are a little slower to get theirs.

We have a CD of various noises that we play for the puppies to help get them used to sounds that they may hear when they are older.   They get to hear usual noises from around our house of course (coffee grinder, blender, oven timer, vacuum cleaner) but this CD also has travel sounds (airport terminal, train, helicopter, traffic noise, kennel sounds, dogs barking), things that go boom (fireworks, guns, thunderstorms), animal sounds (geese, ducks, sheep), household sounds (including lawn mower), child sounds (crying) and more.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Weekend Report

A snack on the patio.  We are good drinkers.
On Friday evening, the puppies moved from the back bedroom to slightly larger living quarters in the dining room.  Within the next week or so, they will have the run of the entire room, but for now we just opened up their area so they have about 1/3 more space than they did.  The front part of the house is much more noisy and active, so it is good exposure for the pups.

Gordo thought Karen's feet made a fine pillow.
Peri came to the house very early on Saturday and stayed with Ecko and Chili so I could get away for the morning to take Stoker and Delta to the lake to meet some friends for water training.

Ranger shows how the pups are beginning to play with toys.
After a fun morning at the lake, I returned home to wait for Karen to arrive to visit with the puppies.  Karen is the first person outside Ecko's closest friends to get to come visit with the puppies.  Since it was such a nice warm afternoon, I set up an ex-pen on the patio with a blanket inside and we took the pups out and sat in the sunshine watching them sleep (mostly) and play (a little).  Before Karen left, we gave them a little snack of milk supplement so she could see what good drinkers they are getting to be.

The chiropractor came for another visit with Ecko and was very pleased at how comfortable she is.  We both agreed that she does not need any more visits for the foreseeable future.
Capri surveys the living room from behind bars.

I spent the evening cooking up a yummy pot of chicken/sweet potato/kale "stew" in the crockpot for Ecko.  I've been adding a heaping spoonful of this to her food for the last few weeks since it seems like she deserves some extra "yum" and calories with her food while she is nursing the puppies.

The stuffed cow has been a puppy mascot for the last 3 litters.
Sunday was a relaxing day.  The pups visited the living room for a few hours while we put fresh bedding in their pen.  They get very agitated and vocal when they are in a strange new place, but settle down quickly.  They mostly stayed in the pen we set up for them there, but almost all ventured out a bit and explored some of the living room.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Hey Mom.....Pixie pulled my tail!

The pups are interacting more and more and Pixie pulled Capri's tail as she tried to take a post-lunch nap today.  Very cute!

The pups wait in Grandpa Kilo's bed while their box gets fresh bedding.

Ranger  and accomplice Capri contemplate the world outside their box.

Capri takes a post-lunch siesta.

Jasper rolling around in play.

Jasper.  Contemplating the world outside the whelping box?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

MACH5 Pepin

Pepin is the sire of our current litter.  Pep just celebrated his 6th birthday and, just days before that, he earned his MACH5.  The MACH is an AKC (American Kennel Club) agility title and stands for "Masters Agility Champion" and the "5" signifies that Pepin and his owner Sandy have earned the title 5 times over!

Here is a video of Pepin's Jumpers run which earned him the MACH 5 followed by a quick celebration lap:

Pepin's MACH5 run

A little TLC for Mama Ecko

The dogs love to have some quality time in the recliner with Jan.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Now we are three (weeks...)

Another week went flying by and the pups had their 3-week birthday on Sunday.  They are now in the "awareness or identification period".  You can see more here in a previous blog posting:

This blog entry was written when Ecko was a tiny puppy herself.

They are starting to walk with a bit more coordination and strength and are interacting with each other in the briefest of play sessions before falling back to sleep.
Jasper makes a good pillow.

Puppy Geometry?  They made a triangle.
The chiropractor came to work on Ecko again on Saturday.  She is SO much better.  She can shake her head and scratch her ears with her back foot again.  She can also jump on and off the couch or bed.  We are so relieved to have her feeling better.

Only Ecko's closest friends have been coming over with the puppies so young still.  My friend Julie (who owns Ecko's brother Cooper) came on Saturday and helped with toenail trims.  I trimmed the adult dogs nails by myself in the morning (64 toenails) and Julie held the babies while I trimmed all their nails in the afternoon (144 more toenails - but who is counting?).

We didn't take many photos this week as it isn't good to use a flash when the pup's eyes are opening.  We'll take more and more photos as the pups get older and cuter.
The pup's big sister Delta is very helpful about watching over them.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Tiny toenails...

Gordo (dk green) and Capri - nap buddies
We were a bit lazy and "only" trimmed the front nails on the tiny puppies this weekend.  A human fingernail trimmer is plenty big for the task, right now.  The nails need to be trimmed so Ecko's belly doesn't get all scratched and sore when the puppies nurse.  That means 80 tiny toenails trimmed, if I do my math correctly (4 on each front paw, plus dewclaws...).

The chiropractor came to the house again and gave Ecko another adjustment.  We are seeing some progress on getting her feeling comfortable again.  Fortunately she is taking great care of the babies and her appetite has never waned.

Ranger getting a boost from a sibling at the milk bar
The pups are starting to feel strong and muscular when you pick them up now.  Hank was the first pup I noticed with an eye that was beginning to open on Saturday evening.

Fargo found a cozy place to sleep