Thursday, June 27, 2013

Week-day Pupdate

The pups had some weekday visitors this week.  On Monday afternoon, Debbie Tubbs came for a visit, followed by Mary Ruth and her son Jonas.

Once they switch out of watch dog mode, the "big dogs" are enjoying the visits as much as the puppies.  Chili never fails to bring a toy to solicit people to throw it for her and Delta climbed right into Mary Ruth's lap several times for some extra lovin'!

Last night was pretty warm and dry, so the pups stayed out on the patio for a few hours and even ate their dinner there. 

Checking out the tippy board - (l to r) Cabot, Fargo, Capri, Gordo and Hank
Capri was the first through the tunnel (everyone else was sleepy!)
Good place for a quick nap.

The big dogs mugging Debbie for attention.

Here is a link to some more of the pics Jan took  on the patio last night.

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