Monday, June 3, 2013

Tiny toenails...

Gordo (dk green) and Capri - nap buddies
We were a bit lazy and "only" trimmed the front nails on the tiny puppies this weekend.  A human fingernail trimmer is plenty big for the task, right now.  The nails need to be trimmed so Ecko's belly doesn't get all scratched and sore when the puppies nurse.  That means 80 tiny toenails trimmed, if I do my math correctly (4 on each front paw, plus dewclaws...).

The chiropractor came to the house again and gave Ecko another adjustment.  We are seeing some progress on getting her feeling comfortable again.  Fortunately she is taking great care of the babies and her appetite has never waned.

Ranger getting a boost from a sibling at the milk bar
The pups are starting to feel strong and muscular when you pick them up now.  Hank was the first pup I noticed with an eye that was beginning to open on Saturday evening.

Fargo found a cozy place to sleep

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