Sunday, June 16, 2013

Weekend Report

A snack on the patio.  We are good drinkers.
On Friday evening, the puppies moved from the back bedroom to slightly larger living quarters in the dining room.  Within the next week or so, they will have the run of the entire room, but for now we just opened up their area so they have about 1/3 more space than they did.  The front part of the house is much more noisy and active, so it is good exposure for the pups.

Gordo thought Karen's feet made a fine pillow.
Peri came to the house very early on Saturday and stayed with Ecko and Chili so I could get away for the morning to take Stoker and Delta to the lake to meet some friends for water training.

Ranger shows how the pups are beginning to play with toys.
After a fun morning at the lake, I returned home to wait for Karen to arrive to visit with the puppies.  Karen is the first person outside Ecko's closest friends to get to come visit with the puppies.  Since it was such a nice warm afternoon, I set up an ex-pen on the patio with a blanket inside and we took the pups out and sat in the sunshine watching them sleep (mostly) and play (a little).  Before Karen left, we gave them a little snack of milk supplement so she could see what good drinkers they are getting to be.

The chiropractor came for another visit with Ecko and was very pleased at how comfortable she is.  We both agreed that she does not need any more visits for the foreseeable future.
Capri surveys the living room from behind bars.

I spent the evening cooking up a yummy pot of chicken/sweet potato/kale "stew" in the crockpot for Ecko.  I've been adding a heaping spoonful of this to her food for the last few weeks since it seems like she deserves some extra "yum" and calories with her food while she is nursing the puppies.

The stuffed cow has been a puppy mascot for the last 3 litters.
Sunday was a relaxing day.  The pups visited the living room for a few hours while we put fresh bedding in their pen.  They get very agitated and vocal when they are in a strange new place, but settle down quickly.  They mostly stayed in the pen we set up for them there, but almost all ventured out a bit and explored some of the living room.


Sandy said...

What fat tail rudders they have! Sooo glad poor Ecko is on the mend. She deserves the goodies!

Suzanne said...

They do have fat tail rudders, Sandy! They are a stout bunch. We are very happy to have our sparkly Ecko back - even her rowdy, loud bark. :-)