Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Patio Adventures

Links to photo albums and some interesting behavioral information are at the bottom of this post.



Our paws are getting very hairy!
Each pup had a 5 minute adventure on the patio last night.  They were all quite brave about the big new world and trotted around checking out their surroundings.

Today they will each spend a few minutes on the grooming table getting used to it.

Tomorrow we plan to load them in the van for a little and perhaps take a short drive around the neighborhood.

We've moved them yet again and now they are in the dining room area of the house where they can hear all the kitchen noises.  We've added to their area:

  •  an electronic children's toy that talks and plays music if they step on the buttons
  • litter box trays to aid in potty training

Your links:

Week 4 Photos

Week 5 Photos

PWDCA Canine Behavior Links -  There is a link to Dr.Dunbar's book "Before You Get Your Puppy" and a link to a Q&A which took place on a PWD email list years ago that is fabulous.  Be sure to check both of these resources out.


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