Friday, October 23, 2020

So many new things...

For those of you that investigated the link on the PWDCA website to Dr. Lore Haug's behavioral Q&A, you will enjoy the additional information on the Texas Veterinary Behavior website.

Here are some of our new things from this week:

Sounds: coffee grinder, immersion blender

Footing: dirt, grass, laminate floor, tile

Grooming table: spent a short amount of time practicing stacking.

Clippers:  They had a "sanitary" trim to the area under their tails and under their eyes.   For those of you that have or want some of your own grooming equipment, I absolutely adore my Wahl Bravura clipper which is quiet, light and cordless.  It charges quickly and can operate plugged in if needed.  

The stairs on the back patio presented an insurmountable obstacle for a while, but we now have a gate across.  Humphrey was the first to try to navigate his way up, but sister Flo was first to succeed.  The stairs are too much to puppy joints right now, although they will get a small amount of additional exposure to them in a few weeks before they go home.

A ride in the car.  Four per crate.

We have a crate in our pen now.

New feeding station with a bowl for each pup.

A new tunnel.
We got a cot and learned to get on, off and under it.
We went on an adventure in the back yard.

A new cat house to nap in.

Humphrey tried the stairs (but Flo was 1st to the top)

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