Tuesday, October 6, 2020

TLC for Kodi and First Time "Dining Out"

First time eating formula.  Reggie chose to go wading in it.

 The Chiropractor came yesterday and adjusted both Kodi and Delta.  We are lucky we have someone in our area who will come to our house.  We take advantage of that by having the dogs adjusted proactively several times a year and always if we notice any type of discomfort.  Yesterday, Delta had a rib "out" and Kodi's pelvis was rotated and she needed quite a few other adjustments.  Hardly surprising that Kodi needed some TLC after carrying and giving birth to 8 chunky little puppies.

With a smaller Mama dog and lots of pups to feed, we started supplementing with formula a little sooner than we usually do in order to relieve a little demand on Kodi.   The pups caught on quickly and drank their formula with gusto!

Here is a link for Week 4 Photos with several added this morning.

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