Monday, February 4, 2008

The Cube and Mail Shredding

I saw this "cube" in the grocery store (of all places) today and thought that for $11 I just had to get it and see if the puppies liked it. As you can see, it was a big hit. Mako REALLY liked it, although I did not get a photo of him napping in it. Hammerhead took occupancy for a while. The two cuties in the first photo are Tiger (l) and Blue (r).

As soon as I got down lower with the camera, Blue had to come investigate, so I caught this cute photo of Tiger by herself.

Finally, we got mostly junk mail in the post today and Blue and Angel had great fun shredding an envelope I dropped. Hey! Wait a minute! Aren't PWDs supposed to be Courier dogs? What do you suppose the mail looked like back in those days?

Look on the pup's individual pages for stacked photos today. We trimmed some hair from the bottoms of their feet while we were at it too so they will track less pine needles in.

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