Thursday, February 14, 2008

Puppy Juggling

The pups have been coming and going over the last few days cramming in a little extra socialization before they head off for their new homes.

Yesterday afternoon Tiger went home for an overnight with Jessie and returned to my work in the morning. A friend picked her up after a few hours and shuttled her home to her sisters. Jessie reports that Tiger was happy and confident with all the people she met and liked Jessie's Golden Retriever Tory. Oddly enough, Tiger was afraid of Jessie's sweet young male PWD Rebel. Hmm, Chili and Stoker have really been laying down the law with Tiger recently on bite inhibition and perhaps Tiger thought Rebel would do the same.

I sent Jessie with a huge raw chicken wing to act as a pacifier for Tiger and Jess put it in her kennel with her when she went to bed. I really didn't expect Tiger to be able to eat the entire thing, but when Jess got up in the morning the wing was gone. Tiger even managed to crunch up the larger joint bones.

This afternoon at lunch I picked up Hammy and Reef and brought them back to work with me. Reef headed off for an overnight with Jessie and made quite a hit with the bank employees when she took him to run errands with her. We'll get a full report on his overnight trip when he returns to the fold tomorrow.

Hammerhead went home with the Hicks family this afternoon. They have decided that his registered name will be "Lookout F/V Fierce Allegiance" and tentatively, his call name will be "Cooper". The little guy got a toenail trim and a quick trim around his eyes before he headed off for his first night with his new family.

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