Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Captain Jack Sparrow

Life has been busy lately and I feel like I am racing to keep up. I saw this photo in Groomer to Groomer magazine recently (you can read the magazine on-line at their website) and had to share it. This was the winning dog from a grooming contest and is a parti-colored Standard Poodle that belongs to the groomer. Can't you just picture this 'do on a Parti or Irish marked PWD?

We've had lots of visitor dogs staying with us recently as friends are going out of town on trips. Gibson the big, brown PWD came for a week while his family was in Maine. The day he left, Cooper (Stoker's son) and his housemate Tsuzi arrived while their family left for Sun River. Jet arrived on Monday evening, bringing the total of PWDs in the house up to seven! Cooper and Tsuzi went home last night and Kaia and her housemate Hobie came to stay this morning. Jan thinks it's a bit crazy having this many dogs around, but it is a good reminder that four PWDs is enough!

There's a dog show this weekend in St. Helens and Stoker and Ecko are entered on Sunday. Stoker's brother Cooper and uncle Rebel will be showing both days and Cooper's housemate Tsuzi is entered in Rally on Saturday. Fingers crossed for good weather and good results!


Jezzyrock said...

So I was curious, what does a Irish marked PWD look like?


Suzanne said...

I found this description, which seems pretty concise and accurate to me, in a document relating to Saluki:
* Full or partial white collar marking always present.
* An otherwise solid colored dog with significant white patterning on the extremities - typical patterns including long ‘opera glove’ white socks, white tail tip, large white chest marking, white
face blaze.
* At the point where the white markings significantly break into the body of the dog, the dog would be considered Parti-Colored.