Saturday, August 16, 2008

Looking Back

Cleaning out some boxes of craft items and paperwork the other day, I came across some old photos to sort through. I plan to upload some photos of the dogs to the PWD pedigree study group and thought I would post a few of them here.

The photos are of Kilo's brothers Leo and Seeker. This was the first litter of PWDs we bred and they were co-bred with Barbara Schmit of Sunnyhill, from whom we purchased our bitch Tango. Three pups from the litter finished their championships: Kilo, Leo and Seeker and three of the pups (Kilo, Seeker and Simon) earned performance titles. Four of the pups from this litter of nine lived to 13+ years, with Leo passing away shortly before his 13th birthday.

CH Sunnyhill White Crown Leo

CH Lookout Sunnyhill Seaquest NA NAJ WWD BROM

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