Sunday, August 31, 2008

Longview Kelso show

Rebel made a good showing this weekend, taking Winner's Dog and Best of Winners both Saturday and Sunday for two more points. Way to go Rebel!

Cooper took Reserve Winners Dog on his very first time in the ring on Saturday. I wasn't able to attend, but had several reports that he did a very nice job, gaiting smoothly and tolerating the judges exam fairly well. Cooper's housemate Tsuzi made her debut in the ring in Rally obedience on Saturday and she and Julie earned their first Rally leg. There was no Rally offered on Sunday, and unfortunately Julie and Cooper did not fare as well as Saturday. Whether it was the grumpy and impatient judge or the fact that the puppy ahead of him was nervous for his own exam, Cooper would not stand for the judges exam and was excused. He moved well again and his attitude was good, so this is nothing a little training and practice won't fix.

Ecko was happy in the ring and stayed reasonably white despite some rain showers, but didn't garner much attention from the judge. Stoker showed quite well and earned Reserve Winners Bitch.

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