Monday, June 29, 2009

Family Photos and Weekend Fun

A photo of Dick and Ginny's boy Reef (Ecko's brother) following his latest haircut.
The "deadliest catch" litter is 1-1/2 years old now.

This is Chili's son and Stoker's brother Fresno from the "fire" litter. Fresno will be living on a ranch for the next year or two, so he needed a super short haircut to keep the worst of the debris from sticking in his coat.
Chili (left) and her daughter Maggie.
Here is Chili's daughter Maggie again. Maggie is a full sister to Stoker and Fresno. She came for a haircut on the same day as Fresno and it was good to see two of the "fire" litter together.

We had a fun day of water training this Saturday with Julie (with Cooper and Tsuzi), Martha (with Sailor), Dick and Ginny (with Reef) and myself (with the whole pack 'o four) getting together to play at the lake. I think everyone had a good session and the weather was beautiful for us! I was particularly happy with Stoker who is coming along nicely on her Courier buoy ball drop exercise. She has way more focus and intensity in the water than anywhere else and it gives me just a little hope that some of that may carry over into other venues some day... Ecko was a bit more distracted than usual, but we still had a productive training session.

Chili and Decker waited on the sidelines until the others were done and then got to participate in a maniacal free-for-all retrieving frenzy at the end. Chili went on a marathon "recreational swim" both when we were setting up and taking down the boat, so she was happy and well exercised.

On Sunday, we were all quite lazy. I bathed Reef and Ecko in the morning and gave Reef a haircut. Dick and Ginny left just after noon and took Ecko with them for the week. After lounging around for a couple of hours, Jan and I went to the nursery and bought some perennials for the new planter bed Jan made in front of the house.

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