Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Projects

We actually had two projects recently that did not involve the dogs! Shocking, I know.

On Sunday we purchased some perennials for the new bed in front of the house. In the foreground are a row of Basil plants. Yum pesto! Hopefully will we have some nice hot dry weather so these will flourish. The bushy plants with the pink flowers in the back row are 'Passionate Rainbow' Wand Flowers and the tall skinny plants with the purple bell-shaped flowers are "Angel's Fishing Rod". In the front of the bed we have alternating 'Silver Edge' Lavender plants and 'Silver Brocade' Worwood. We are pretty pleased with how the project turned out and it gave the front of the house a nice face lift. We're debating filling in a bit with some kind of brightly colored annuals.

Yesterday, Jan spent a good part of the day cleaning his RX7 up to get it road-ready. He is debating driving it a bit this summer or selling it....

The old girl still cleans up pretty nicely with a good coat of polish.

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