Sunday, June 7, 2009

Red Hot Chili Pepper

Chili and I had an awesome weekend at the CRAC agility trial.

We went into the weekend with Chili needing one "Q" in Open Jumpers to finish the title and 2 "Qs" in Open Standard to finish that title. Chili qualified in both classes on Saturday with first placements in both classes. On Sunday, she qualified again in Open Standard to finish the weekend with both her OA and OAJ titles. Wahoo! We moved up to Excellent Jumpers on Sunday, and if it hadn't been for a handling glitch on my part, Chil would have pulled off a Q her first time out in Excellent jumpers too. What a girl!

I think the Young at Heart and Joint Strong supplements I have had her on since mid April have definitely had an impact on her overall well-being. She seems to have more energy and be more playful and interactive with the other dogs. I have high hopes that if I can get a bit more more weight off her and work on keeping her in condition with exercise and periodic chiropractic adjustments we can continue to have fun for many years still.

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