Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fast Twitch Muscles

Chili fetches the ball with Stoker, Reef and Ecko hot on her heels.

The last two nights I got back into the routine I had been keeping all winter (before it got hot for a few weeks) and took the dogs out for a quick training session and 10 minute bike around the neighborhood. With both mind and body exercised it is amazing how much more peaceful the doggies are!

Tonight I wasn't as motivated, but thought the dogs still needed entertainment, so I dug four tennis balls and the chuck-it out of the closet and treated the dogs to a retrieving frenzy in the back yard for about 15 minutes. Chili and Decker are the most obsessed, with Ecko quite involved in the game too. She has really good focus and acts as the ball spotter, nabbing it when the two older dogs don't find it. Stoker just runs around and has a good time - a little "fluffier" than the rest of the gang. The photo above is of Chili with the ball, being chased by Stoker, Reef and Ecko, and it is NOT in my back yard (I wish!).

We are done showing and trialling for a while and are starting to focus on training in the water for the summer (well, Stoker and Ecko will train and Chili and Decker will join them for exercise). It's great that access to the river is free because there really is no room in the budget for shows right now anyway. If the dogs had their choice, they would choose the water any day no matter what, and I think I just might as well.

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