Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Eight New Names

As we mentioned in our post a few days ago our litter name theme is the Bears of Katmai.   Here are the names we chose (in order of birth) and their corresponding collar color.

Otis - Dark Blue 
Minnie - Pink
Flo - Purple
Reggie - Red (female)
Diver- Green (male)
Chunk - Light Blue (male)
Humphrey - Yellow
Divot (aka "Dot") - No Collar (female)

The Katmai bears are officially assigned #s by the rangers, but often end up with nicknames also.  Some are named due to their fishing style (i.e. Diver was skilled at diving for salmon while Divot, when young, would dig for salmon scraps in the gravel leaving divots behind).

We will have a weekly album of photos in our Flickr account and you will be able to see all the photos for that week there.  Click here for the week 1 photos so far.


Unknown said...

Love the names, Suzanne and Jan! I was inspired to check out the “real” bears online. So cute and yet so ferocious...just like these little pups someday. Nebo is picking out his future sibling but we told him to fall in love with all eight of them!

Suzanne said...

Glad you like the names. We find the bears fascinating to watch!