Saturday, September 12, 2020

Waiting and watching and smoke...

Kodi's "whelping window" is 9/11-9/13.  No puppies made an appearance yesterday, but we are thinking today might be the day.  Her temperature dropped during the night (an indicator that labor will be imminent within the next 12-24 hours) and she is very uncomfortable and a bit anxious at the moment.  She is still napping periodically and is resting on the floor at my feet as I type this update.

The fires in Oregon have been concerning, but the news is gradually getting better with the high winds we had earlier in the week abating and humidity increasing.  We have never been in evacuation danger and so far our vet, about 30 minutes to the south, has also been able to remain available.  Air quality is hazardous outside and the world looks eery and disconcerting. 

Kodi's X-ray from Tuesday.  Each circle is a skull and the line is a corresponding spine.

The little Mama dog is very full of puppies!

Our Sunflower bloomed on Friday and Kodi helped me take a photo in the smoky yard.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Very exciting! I hope things go easy and well for Momma Kodi. Thank you in advance for all you and Jan will be doing.