Sunday, September 6, 2020

One More Week

Kodi has a baby belly.  
Note:  there are a few links embedded in the text this week.  The last one is the neatest.

We felt the puppies move for the first time on Wednesday.  It's always so amazing to feel that!  

We brought the whelping box down from the back shed and set it up.  Went through the contents of the big storage tub with all the puppy supplies and ordered some needed items.  We've got a bit more work to do to make the room inviting, but it's coming along.

We've been gradually getting the back bedroom ready for puppies.  We have used this as our whelping room in the past.  We were preparing to remodel the room when the pandemic began and had moved all the furniture out and stripped the carpeting, so the room is empty.

We invest a lot into our puppies, and preparing for this litter triggers lots of memories.  I've been thinking a lot about our previous litters and Mamas (Tango, Chili, Stoker and Ecko) and the beautiful pups they produced which became loyal companions to their famlies.  We look forward to a bright and loving future for these pups in their new homes.

Resting after a walk.  Blackberries were picked and eaten!

Kodi is scheduled for an xray on Tuesday to make sure all looks as it should.  There are benefits and risks to pregnancy xrays.   The Xray will provide the best possible count so that if labor ceases prior to delivery of the last fetus we are immediately aware of the problem and can intervene.  We are fortunate to live in an area with a registered theriogenologist and consider this a positive step to take to ensure the best possible outcome for Kodi and the pups.

Kodi is not usually a picky eater, but has been a bit so during her pregnancy.  Some of the healthier options we've been able to tempt her with are fresh cooked chicken, ground beef, sardines and veggies (brussels sprouts and sweet potato).  She is not keen on kibble at all, but will eat it if well disguised in canned tripe (Solid Gold also has a canned tripe that she likes).  She is usually eager to eat the Fresh Pet meat roll which you can purchase in the refrigerator section of some stores.  We  had never tried this before, but saw some recommendations for it from other folks with fussy pregnant bitches.  Her absolute favorite food at the moment is Jan's sourdough waffles.  She shivers in excitement when she sees the waffle iron and would eat them to great excess if allowed.

We've got lots of time before this will happen, but we are planning to do a puppy obstacle course with this litter.  We'll be careful not to overmatch the pups with any obstacles that might stress them out too much or potentially harm them physically, but this should be fabulous mental stimulation for them and inspire them to be bold and confident individuals.

This last photo will be more pertinent in about another 4 or 5 months, but I thought it was a good reminder that puppies really are part Velociraptor.

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