Monday, December 17, 2007

No More Declaws

Stoker and the babies had an eventful morning, as we had an appointment at the vet to have dewclaws removed.

We remove dewclaws on our pups because I have seen too many dogs over the years (especially in coated breeds) where the dewclaw is forgotten, never trimmed, and grows back into the carpal pad, causing an abrasion there. Dewclaws also seem more prone to get caught on things, and can become torn and injured. At this age, the bones that make up the toes are tiny and soft so that snipping them off is easy. If done at the proper age (3-4 days) there should be very little, if any, pain and bleeding. (most pups just give a little squeak).

I think the drive to the vet and back was more traumatic than the actual procedure itself. These guys are going to need a bigger box for their next outing for sure, and I had actually bundled them up so well (wrapping the box with towels and putting a microwaveable heat disk in with them) that they were complaining on the way home because they were too HOT.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Suzanne this is great! I feel like I'm getting a primer for next year!!!