Friday, December 21, 2007

Stages of Development

The hungry little sharks have now all doubled their birth weight. It's amazing to see the change in vigor and activity in a one week period. When newborn, they crawl slowly and with less intent and Stoker licked and stimulated them frequently to rouse them to nurse. No need to do that any more! Any movement in thewhelping box has them hunting for dinner and they crawl rapidly and with purpose to track Stoker down.

The puppies are in the "neonatal period" right now and this period lasts for about the first two weeks of life. During this period the puppies and the mother are best kept in a low stress, controlled environment with specific exposure to defined stressors.

Keep an eye out on the website tomorrow for updated head shots of the babies. In the meantime, I've posted current photos of each pup here as well.

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